Sunday, May 17, 2009


The Wildflower field!  Wow, it was amazing, hot, fun, all rolled into one.  We visited our friend's farm in Lake Butler and acted like silly city kids!
I had been wanting to shoot the wildflowers since last year and missed them so this year, I ventured out and used up a lot of gas trying to find the perfect place to take pictures, not knowing our friend had them down the road from her all along! This is our little Lizzie and the cute teen ager is Stacey, whom I'd like to photograph more of ;)

Amy & Brett

Amy & Brett
Cruisin' in Montreal

About Me

Love to be with my family and friends, being creative, and adventurous (well, kinda). I like to keep busy but can always make time for that special someone when he comes into my life- I wish he'd hurry up and contact me!