Sunday, July 27, 2008

Mini vacation to the beach!

Here are a few pix from our mini vacation at Crescent Beach this weekend!  We had so much fun and made lots of memories. We just relaxed, enjoyed family time together and went out to eat in St. Augustine most of the time, no cooking for us this week end!  Yes, I really did get up at the crack of dawn to get these sunrise shots.  It was beautiful and I wasn't the only one on the beach enjoying the early morning show with the camera and coffee.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Go Gators!

I smell football in the air!  Yes, the season is upon us and is no doubt my favorite time of the year to live in Gainesville, or should I say, "title town"!  

I've posted a poll for some of the SEC games...check it out and VOTE!  Go Gators!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Check out my Slide Show!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Saturday mornings

I love my Saturday mornings, drinking my coffee on my patio (when it's not too terribly hot out).  This morning I had to grab the 'ole camera when I noticed these new blooms on my plants, thought I would share!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Amy & Brett crusin'

Are these just the cutest kids or what?? My Amy
and Brett while crusin' from Canada to Boston!
They had a great time, ate lots of lobster (I'm so
jealous) and loved the sights.  It looks like they 
are having a ball.    xoxo i love ya

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

OJ and the kids

This is ROSE!  She loves the camera and is ready
to pose for me anytime - I caught with ice cream
still on her face!

OJ and Peggy recently had the grandkids over for a spend
the night party.  Whew!  it was a chore getting all
5 kids to cooperate all at the same time!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

look quick!

This little hummingbird has been seen at my feeder lately and I just happen to have my camera out this afternoon when I saw it.  Hoping to catch it with my telephoto lens soon!  (If you "double=click" on the photo, it will open the image up so you can see it better)

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Sarah's getting married!

Sarah, a long time friend of Amy's, is getting hitched!  Amy and Emily threw a luncheon-wedding shower today, which was a success....lots ( and I mean lots) of great food and a fun time for all.

Here are a few pics....

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Smith Farm Water Tank

Was just going thru some older pics and came upon this.  This picture and it has a lot of meaning to me.  This is the farm in Newberry where my Dad grew up and the actual water tank they used!  Thanks to my cousin for not allowing it to be torn down, it still stands today.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Abby and Alex

Abby and Alex - being goofy at my office today :)

Sunday, July 6, 2008

The festivities continue!

Elizabeth is Daddy's girl!Jorge and Lizzie
She loves "yia yia"
Papa has Elizabeth napping
Whew! I'm exhausted!  We had a great 4th of July weekend and topped it off with a fish fry, blackberry cobbler and boiled peanuts.  Torture! being that I'm not supposed to eat the last two items and are my favorites!   Christopher, Erica and Elizabeth, who is 5 months old now, came out to the lake today and we had such a good time watching the things she does now.  She is a very pleasant baby to be around and are a few pics!

Friday, July 4, 2008

4th of July

My Mom :)
Jorge and Alec 
Kay and Maple

food food and more food!

Alec and Ed

I celebrated Independence Day at Lake Susan today - we had so much fun.   Our relatives from Tarpon Springs came up for the week- end.  We had a chicken fry with all the trimmings, mashed potatoes and gravy, field peas, salad and creamed corn.  Lots of desserts-Mom's famous pound cake, brownies, ice cream, smores and it was all topped off with fireworks!  Really GREAT fireworks, too -  we had the best seat in town watching them over the lake, in our own yard!
Alec fished the most of the day - but Jorge came up with the first catch.  There's always tomorrow!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

fish tales

The big catch of the day caught by Ed (my brother-in-law) out at Mom and Dad's lake home Monday afternoon.  I see a fish fry in the near future!  Yum!

Amy & Brett

Amy & Brett
Cruisin' in Montreal

About Me

Love to be with my family and friends, being creative, and adventurous (well, kinda). I like to keep busy but can always make time for that special someone when he comes into my life- I wish he'd hurry up and contact me!