Sunday, December 28, 2008

Happy 2009!

Nope, don't have big plans to bring in the new year although I am quite sure I'll be toasting with a friend or two between now n then (at least I hope that I do!)

So, 2009, wow, it's crazy isn't it, how fast the yrs just fly by...out with the old, in with the new!  Bring it on, and happy New Year to all of you - may you have a most healthy, happy 2009 :)

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas, blogger fans!  I enjoyed going to Church this morning with my son and his girlfriend, here visiting from St. Louis, and with my sister and her family, then out to lunch.  It truly has been a most wonderful weekend having Brett home, both of my kids here all at once, it's been a long time.  We celebrated our Christmas with him and our family yesterday - opened presents, ate great food, had  a white elephant gift exchange, etc etc!

 I wish you all a merry Christmas **

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Holidays R Here!

I don't know why I take pictures of the things that I do but I find it captures my moods and especially when it involves my family - esp during the holidays too.  So, my Mom, the Greek that we all know and love so much, she's been in the kitchen whipping up her Greek specialties...if I knew how to spell them I would but I don't and too late to look it up---cookies with ground pecans and rolled in powdered sugar - cookies traditionally eaten with morning coffee, sprinkled with sesame seeds...they are just so pretty (and my Mom, our YiYi, made them)!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Walking on a country road...I think there's a song that goes something like that!  I had a great time shooting this family on this very cold morning!  The little one kept us all in high gear -

Amy & Brett

Amy & Brett
Cruisin' in Montreal

About Me

Love to be with my family and friends, being creative, and adventurous (well, kinda). I like to keep busy but can always make time for that special someone when he comes into my life- I wish he'd hurry up and contact me!