Thursday, March 12, 2009

T shirt making time!

Yes friends, it's time to get ready for the MS Walk, April 18th, in Jacksonville and we have tye-dyed our t shirts and they're ready to go!

Rob and Amy shown here checking out the design - it was so much fun, brought back lots of memories from the day!
Please join us for the walk, or just join us for the fun - this year it's an all day event with live bands, vendors, etc etc.  If you'd like to make a donation, please do so under the Team Remylenators (Amy Jones) and you can do that online to the MS Society

Amy & Brett

Amy & Brett
Cruisin' in Montreal

About Me

Love to be with my family and friends, being creative, and adventurous (well, kinda). I like to keep busy but can always make time for that special someone when he comes into my life- I wish he'd hurry up and contact me!